【同义词辨析】 2017-11-10 嘲笑ridicule-twit

ridicule: implies a deliberate often malicious belittling: consistently ~d everything she said.   belittle贬低  malicious(轻度)恶意的,如malicious call/gossip恶意电话/流言蜚语     形容词ridiculous不是表示嘲笑的,而是表示极端可笑荒谬不合理extremely silly and unreasonable,如a ridiculous suggestion/remark/price荒谬的建议/评论/价格,如I look ridiculous in this hat我戴这个帽子看起来很

deride: suggests a contemptuous and often bitter ridiculing: ~d their efforts to start their own business.       如politicians attempting to win votes by deriding their opponents政客们试图嘲笑对手来赢得选票,如the govenor's plan was greeted with derision by most journalists大多数记者都嘲笑州长的计划,如"nerd" is a term of derision书呆子是个嘲笑人的话

mock: implies a scornful deriding often ironically expressed by mimicry or sham deference: youngsters began to ~ the helpless old man.   这个词做动词时表示嘲笑模仿,如to mock her accent取笑模仿她的口音,如例句,如mocking bird百舌鸟可以模仿其他鸟的叫声;作形容词表示1、假装的not based on real or honest feeling,如mock anger/surprise假装的愤怒/吃惊 2、模拟的done or performed to look like the real thing,如a mock trial模拟庭审             mimicry模仿 sham deference假装服从顺从  ironical反讽

taunt: suggests a jeeringly reproachful insult or derisive challenging: terrorists ~ed the hostages.

twit: usually suggests mild or good-humored teasing: students ~ted their teacher about his tardiness.           twit(ter) 1、发出轻快的声音to make fast and usually high sounds,如the birds were twittering in the trees鸟儿在树上啁啾 2、唧唧喳喳地说话to talk in a quick, informal way about unimportant things,如what are those people twittering about这些人在唧唧喳喳地说什么?             调侃: 用言语戏弄,嘲弄、嘲笑。多指开玩笑

ridicule嘲笑: 指有意贬低的嘲笑,deride嘲笑: 更轻蔑苦涩,mock模仿嘲笑: 指通过反讽模仿假装来嘲笑,taunt嘲弄: 指故意羞辱挑衅激怒,程度最重,twit调侃: 指善意温和的玩笑

记忆方法: 1)首字母RDMTT中的RDM想成人的母TT想成推特<==上推特嘲笑

         2)嘲笑的意思是取笑mean to make an object of laughter of.               最后两个词TT一个极强(taunt)一个极弱(twit)